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Green Tea-Can Green Tea Help Me Lose Weight

The main ingredients of green tea are antioxidants (polyphenols), minerals such as zinc, chromium, magnesium, selenium and manganese, Vitamin B.
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Green Tea Help Me Lose Weight

Used in China for more than 4,000 years green tea had becomegreen-tea-help-me-lose-weight a synonym of natural medicine, a solution for countless health issues including obesity.  The secret is hidden within the ingredients of these simple and elegant looking leaves.

What Are The Ingredients of Green Tea?

The main ingredients of green tea are antioxidants (polyphenols), minerals such as zinc, chromium, magnesium, selenium and manganese, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, potassium, amino acids and caffeine.

Green Tea – Health Benefits

Antioxidants called polyphenols neutralize the damaging impact over the cells by free radicals. The antioxidant power of polyphenols is bigger than Vitamin C. Polyphenols bring the specific bitter flavor of green tea.

These antioxidants are named flavonoids which are phyto chemicals with anti oxidative and anti carcinogenic properties. You can find them mainly in wine, Cocoa, Ginkgo Biloba and parsley. They are proven to improve blood flow. Flavonoids strengthen our immune system and inhibit cavities on teeth.

  • Green tea reduces up to 37% the risk of developing breast cancer. Researches show significant results in some types of cancer - cancer was reduced by nearly 60% in those using green tea on a daily basis.
  • Green tea contains amino acid Theanine which provides calming effect, lowers blood pressure and minimizes symptoms of PMS. Theanine calms your mind down when you are stressed but keeps you allert.
  • Green tea is natural astringent – aids healing processes of wounds and boosts blood clotting.
  • Green tea regulates blood sugar levels and body’s temperature and reduces bad cholesterol LDL.
  • Vitamin E in green tea is an antioxidant which slows the aging processes.
  • Green tea promotes better digestion by balancing intestinal flora.
  • Green tea is a mild diuretic.

Will Green Tea Help Me Lose Weight?

A lot of medical studies show that green tea has fat burning properties.

Caffeine in green tea stimulates thermogenesis which induces metabolic rate and fat oxidation to help in weight loss plans.

Flavonoids in green tea prevent obesity. This is the reason why green tea is successfully used as major ingredient in weight loss dietary supplements such as Tava Tea herbal slimming tea.


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