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A Food Regime That Really Burns That Fat Off

There are some ways you can lose weight faster, but doctors and nutritionists generally advise that losing up to 2.5 pounds per week is right amount.

 A Food Regime That Really Burns That Fat Off

If you're tired of annoying fad diets that only wear you out and make you gain even more weight in the end, you can read on. After following different pieces of advice on how to lose weight, I realized that the golden rule of starting a food regime is: avoiding diets that promise wonders.

There are some ways you can lose weight faster, but doctors and nutritionists generally advise that losing up to 2.5 pounds per week is the right amount for someone who wants to lose and maintain weight healthily. This might sound disappointing for people who need to lose a lot of weight, because it will take them months. But if you want to do it right, this is the way.

5 Simple Rules That Will Help You Get Rid of That Extra Fat

1) Drink two glasses of room-temperature water as soon as you wake up. Wait for 45 minutes before you eat breakfast, but don't skip it. If you can't bear drinking so much water on an empty stomach, there's an alternative solution: eat one apple instead.

2) Drink lots of water throughout the day. This is VERY important. Water helps you get rid of toxins and it postpones hunger.

3) Try to eat 5-6 portions of food throughout the day: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 2-3 snacks (the snacks can be yogurt, fruit, salad, soup; no junk food allowed). Don't eat more than one piece of bread per meal.

4) Make sure you don't eat dinner after 7 PM. If you're really very hungry later than that, drink a cup of plain yogurt or eat a small piece of non-fat cheese, a cucumber, a carrot, etc.

5) Avoid sugars as much as you can. The ideal solution would be to completely ban them from your food regime. You'll probably lose weight the most once you stop eating sweets altogether. If you absolutely cannot stay away from sugar, eat dark chocolate.

If you can also squeeze in some 45-60 minute exercises or daily walks, your body will be very thankful.

This is not too complicated to follow. Unlike some diets, there are no strict rules or specific meal descriptions here, so you are free to plan your own meals, but try to use as much fruits and vegetables as you can. Plain yogurt is very healthy and good for weight loss, remember that. And, drink water. The process is slow but it's proven it works, and it's very rewarding after a month or two.


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