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The Best 7 Spices that Protect Your Body

The Best 7 Spices that Protect Your Body : We all know the importance of antioxidant foods that are in many vegetables and fruits : basil:Cinnamon:

The Best 7 Spices that Protect Your Body

The Best  7 Spices that Protect Your Body

We all know the importance of antioxidant foods that are in many vegetables and fruits.
Here we will talk to you on the most important spices that contain large amounts of antioxidants and is to protect the body from many diseases, such as
¤ Alzheimer
¤ Cancer
These spices provide benefits to many organs in the body.

I'll tell you the most important spices and herbs that you can eat and have great benefits for your body

1 - basil:
The more articles that help build bone vitamin Ki, calcium and magnesium, basil contains a large amount of these elements.

2 - Cinnamon:
Cinnamon helps to enhance memory and play an important role in stabilizing blood sugar
Cinnamon has a wonderful ability to relieve muscle pain.

3 - clove:
Dentists advise cloves because it addresses toothache and gum makes strong
Cloves help in solving the problems of the respiratory system

4 - Cumin:
It helps to make a good percentage of sugar in the blood because it helps the secretion of various enzymes in the pancreas and gallbladder

5 - Turmeric:
Works to resist exposure to many diseases such as cancer and his great ability to increase the activity of the mind and thinking.

6 - Ginger:
Useful in treating flu because it helps soothe inflammation, also works to reduce cholesterol in the blood.

7 - Thyme:
When you feel pain in the stomach it is advisable to eat thyme ease the pain of the stomach and digestive problems and helps in the treatment of bronchial

I've mentioned many benefits to those herbs and spices previous, you can enjoy them


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