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Makeover. Create a new image

Makeover. Create a new image. Creating your own style and image is rather a complex problem. However, every woman wants to be bright.

Makeover. Create a new image


Creating your own style and image is rather a complex problem. However, every woman wants to be bright, memorable, special. And you need to have an image that will distinguish you from other people.

So, if you want to make a certain impression on others, then you need to build your makeover.

Makeover Formation

The technology of makeover formation is simple:

First, you define with what image you want to create;

Then start your work on image formation.


The keyword of appearance makeover is style. First of all, you should define with style, and then pick some clothes, accessories, shoes, hair, makeup, manicure and perfume.

There are sports, business, romantic and «sexy» styles.

Sports style is characterized by free forms, providing active movement. Clothes with lots of details - overhead valves, pockets, stitch, zippers, belts, folds, slots. Dressing is stressed-free and comfortable. Accessories are usually absent in this style. Comfortable shoes - no heels or low broad heel. Make-up and manicure are close to natural. Hair, if long, are selected in the hair. Fresh perfumes are good for sports style.

Business style
 involves a rigorous suit solution - efficiency, clarity and rigor of forms, a minimum of details. Decorative elements (finish) are almost not used. Form of costume is concise and simple. Silhouette is based on straight vertical lines. Preference is given to dark-blue, steel, gray, black, brown and beige.

Business women should wear stockings at any time of year. Business clothes requires flesh-colored, smoky-gray and black stockings. Shoes - preferably in a classical style: pumps (3-5 cm heel). Long hair lower rating of merit, so they are necessarily set in a hairstyle. Accessories - inconspicuous. It is better to give preference to silver and gold. It must be remembered, gold is suitable for suits in warm tones, silver - cold.

Romantic style is cut with a complex variety of shapes and details. This style is characterized by lace, fur, hoods, embroidery, flounces, large collars, ruffles. Fabrics are plastic and light. Silhouette is tight or very loose. Preference is given to dresses and skirts. The colors of this style are light, gentle, warm. Many accessories - brooches, pins, ribbons, beads, hats, artificial flowers. Heeled shoes, pins, shoes, shoes, decorated with sequins, bows, buckles, and stones. Hair are usually curled or set in a complicated hairstyle. Make-up and manicure are done in pastel colors. Romantic style requires sweet, floral and fruit aromas.

«Sexy» style should emphasize the feminine principle - tight styles accentuate breast and thighs, show beautiful legs, thin waist. As a rule, representatives of this style prefer skirts and dresses. Colors can be different, but red spectrum is always the most sexy - from pink and coral to fiery red, from lavender to violet. This style is characterized by various forms of hats, beautiful fashionable sunglasses, a lot of rhinestone, big jewelry (bracelets, clips). Footwear - shoes with heels. Make-up and manicure are made in bright colors.

Makeover. Voice

Once you build up your external image, go to the voice modeling.

Voice has certain characteristics: height, pace, volume, intonation, emotion, filling with pauses, slang, words-parasites and professional terminology.

Combination of different characteristics of voice creates a certain image of you.

For example, if you want to create an image of a perspective and self-confident person, speak in low, measured voice, full of intonation and pauses after important words, clean of slang and words-parasites.

If you want to be perceived as highly emotional person, speak quickly, «avidly», on a high note, and very emotionally.


The next element of image - motor skills. Motility includes gait, posture, gestures, facial expressions and eyes.

It is important to remember that movements hardly can be «fitted» to a desired image. Motor activity is our body. The body also reflects the inner state.

You probably noticed that at the time of joy and strong emotional arousal, your gait is fast and easy, pose - «open», gestures - quick and bright, face involuntarily spreads in a wide smile and eyes start glowing.

If you experience any internal discomfort, your gait becomes sluggish, posture - «closed», motions are constrained, and look - lost.

In order your motor skills would not reveal you, every time you need to tune to a necessary wave - a wave of confidence, energy, looseness, etc.


The last element of image - environment. The environment is all that is around you: the interior of your apartment and office, your car, your hobbies, restaurants you visit, people you communicate with. We do not often think about the importance of environment when creating an image makeover, while its role is really weighty.

So, we answered the question: «Why I cannot make an impression I want?» - All is about your image makeover.

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