How to make breast beautiful?
Let’s start with exercises, which may lift breast by strengthening of shoulder muscles. This includes press-ups and dumbbell exercises from lying position. By the way, dumbbells can be substituted by liter bottles filled with water.
In addition to these, we also offer some effective exercises:
1) Stand up straight, elbows at your chest. Put palms in front of you, press hands on each other for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
2) Stand up straight, feet together. Move hands to sides with maximum amplitude, as if imitating swim breaststroke.
3) Stand up straight, pull your hands forward and cross them quickly, doing “scissors”. Repeat 30 times.
Ice compresses
To restore tone you can apply compresses: Brew 1 table spoon mint and lime in 1 glass of boiled water. For each herb use separate cup. Cool, pour in cups and put in refrigerator for freezing. Wipe breast each morning for 1-2 minutes. Breast becomes firm and steady.
Clay lining
To restore breast skin firmness, use clay mask. Buy cosmetic clay at any drugstore and make masks on neck and décolleté 2 times a week. For this mask you will need 2 tea spoons clay. Dilute it in cool water, until consistency of sour cream, put on breast for 20 minutes, then wash away with warm water.
Care or lifting - what to choose?
There is also sense in buying a care cream, lifting cream for neck area. And every morning, alternating, apply them on breast skin. For example, on Monday - care cream, on Tuesday - lifting cream. And further on the scheme.
Sea packs
The good effect is given by compresses with sea water. The procedure is not complicated. You will need 2 basins. Fill one of them with cold water and add lemon juice or apple vinegar to it. Pour hot water in other basin and dissolve sea salt (from pharmacy) in it. Dampen a towel in hot water and attach to your chest. Hold for half a minute. Then put a towel in a basin with cold water and then attach to your chest. After 3 months of hard work you will see the result.
Breast tumors. Mastopathy.
Breast is the most beautiful and at the same time most problematic area on woman’s body. The more we know about diseases that threaten breast, the more active we are able to prevent them, the better our chances to avoid them are.
Breast tumors represent mass containing one or more non-frequent painful bags filled with liquid. They are not malignant. Majority of women throughout the childbearing period sometimes notice such tumors expressed in breast swelling that many women often experience before menstruation, starting from adolescence.
Mastopathy - a group of diseases of breast, which are characterized by growth of fibrous or glandular tissue due to hormonal disorders. Today, this type of benign breast disease affects 8 out of 10 women.
In general, mastopathy has many faces. There are a number of forms. However, you can distinguish any of its varieties at an early stage.
The first degree of the disease - mastalgia. What should be alerted? Chest pain, which are intensified before the start of menstruation and then, in the first “critical days” they tail away and disappear. When mammary glands engorge, you can notice compression - balls in upper outer squares of breast. However, they disappear after menstruation. Experience of mammalogist shows that most women ignore such symptoms. And the disease is progressing with our connivance.
Second stage of the disease is characterized by more intense pain in shoulder and armpits. Balls do not disappear with beginning of menstruation. You can notice discharge from nipple - transparent or colostrum-like, greenish. You should immediately consult a doctor. If there is mammalogist in your clinic, then go to a surgeon, oncologist or gynecologist. Today physicians prescribe hormonal or non-hormonal therapy.
Ultrasound can determine whether formation is hollow or solid. Another option: taking of sample with a needle - needle is inserted into tumor and fluid is pumped. However, biopsy is the most common and accurate method of diagnosis, when a piece of tissue is taken and studied under a microscope.
Causes of mastopathy
There is a lot of mastopathy causes. One of them - diseases of nervous system: anxiety neurosis, prolonged stress. By the way, constant sexual dissatisfaction can also trigger adverse during mastopathy. Another reason - reproductive system disorder, namely: frequent abortions, late childbirth, and often rejection of breastfeeding. Inflammatory diseases of genital organs, passing in a chronic phase, also contribute to development of mastopathy.
Following recommendations will help you reducing or completely destroying breast tumor. If they are effective for you, you might notice change in next few months:
1) Reduce fat consumption. It is thought that fat promotes discharge of secretions, leading to formation of tumors.
2) Avoid caffeine in coffee, chocolate, Cola, as well as in many medicines sold without prescription.
3) Breast-feed your infants for at least several months. This often contributes to reduction or disappearance of tumors.
4) Increase taking of vitamins: A, B6, E and selenium, or take nutritional supplements.
5) Eat foods: fruits, vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage), onions and garlic, vegetable and olive oil. Whole-grains, cellulose, soy and soy products, fish, eggs, green and black tea.
6) Eat less salt.
7) Exercise to stimulate blood circulation in chest.
How can I avoid anxiety?
The biggest problem with benign breast tumors - fear they cause. Symptoms of benign tumors and cancer may be similar. How to mitigate or prevent fear of cancer?
Remember that 80-90% of all neoplasms in breast are benign. Benign tumors are sensitive, soft, filled with liquid, usually painful before menstruation. Malignant tumors are often (though not always) painless, firm, do not occur before menstruation.
Go to the doctor and talk to them, if you think that you have a suspicious tumor, ask him to describe what you should pay attention when you are such entities.
Do not attempt to deal with concern alone. Your fears and worries will only exacerbate the situation, because these tumors are very stress-sensitive. In addition, you will see that most likely you have nothing dangerous there.
Methods of self-checkup
Women themselves can monitor possible changes in breast. Breast should palpated once a month, better for 6-12 day from beginning of menstruation, when mammary gland is relaxed. Starting a check-up, you should not be afraid. Treat this as a routine hygienic procedure. It should also be remembered that the most important goal of mammary glands check-up is not so much in the search for tumor changes, but rather to confirm their absence.
How to arrange self-checkup
1) Stand in front of the mirror. Carefully inspect both breasts for any unusual signs (discharge from nipple, wrinkled skin, nipple retraction).
2) Do following exercises. In doing so, breast muscles should be strained. Come closer to the mirror, put hands on back of head, and hurl elbows together slightly. Then, put hands on waist and bend slightly to the mirror.
3) Some women prefer doing following exercises in shower, because wet, lathery skin is felt better: touching left breast with right arm carefully, starting from left side of chest, do small circular movements by finger-tips, moving toward nipple. Do not forget to touch area between breast and armpit carefully.
4) Push a nipple gently, checking for any discharge. Repeat same exercises with right breast.
5) Repeat exercises 3 and 4 lying on back. Examining right breast, put roll or pillow under left shoulder - your task will be easier.
If there is at least one of above mentioned features, go to a doctor urgently.
Be Healthy