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5 products for female beauty and health | Health24free

Scientists argue that there are products containing beauty-nutrients - substances that allow a person to become more beautiful.Health24Free. Visit It

 Scientists argue that there are products containing beauty-nutrients - substances that allow a person to become more beautiful. Today we examine the first five from the list.

In fact, one writer even published a book, which focuses on a beauty diet. Professor Lisa Drayer argues that if a woman includes certain products in her diet, she will surely change. Particular attention of the beautiful sex should be given to the following 5 products.

1. Salmon - your skin is elastic again

Salmon normally includes salmon fish family such as salmon, trout, whitefish, keta, pink salmon, trout, and some others. Salmon and all its relatives are called «fish for mind»: they contain fatty Omega-3 acids, essential for our body, they increase IQ, significantly reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, and raise spirits. Salmon is very nourishing fish, while relatively low-calorie. And, while salmon is considered fatty fish, it contains less fat, than most types of meat and this fat is very different. According to nutritionists, people should eat at least one portion of salmon a week.

A person needs about 3 grams of omega-3 acids per day to supply brain and prevent cardiovascular diseases. However, salmon grown on farms is far less wholesome than salmon, caught in its natural habitat, as meat of artificially grown fish has high content of mercury and other harmful substances. Fish grown in farms should not be included in your diet more often than once a month, The Food and Drug Administration warns.

Main dishes of salmon

Most recipes use ready fillets or salmon steaks, although whole fish or its individual parts are also good at cooking. Most often salmon is fried in a pan or on a grill or baked in the oven. Cook salmon in a well heated pan, and no more than a few minutes, otherwise fat will be heated, fish will be dry and fall apart.

Remember: the more own taste and flavor fish has, the less flavor you should add. Salmon should be sprinkled with a lemon before and / or after roasting or serve a lemon separately. When baking you can add cut lemon slices.

2. Oysters - more calcium in the body

Oysters contribute to collagen formation and restore content of calcium in hair and nails. Experts believe these marine mollusks with a one-sided convex sink the greatest delicacy.

By the way, you can cook hot dishes from oysters. For example, you can fry them in friture or bake in the oven. You can add them in salads or make sandwiches with them. There are many recipes: oysters with mushrooms in a sauce with white wine, oysters with mushrooms baked with a milk sauce, oysters with lemon juice, oysters with vegetables, oysters with champagne sauce, soup with oysters and spinach, chowder with oysters and corn, and much more.

How to eat oysters the right way?

Take oysters with left hand and rotate it to a pointed end. Take knife in the right hand, insert it between the doors and expand them. Then you need to remove film in the middle of shell. Carefully cut it with a knife in a circle and spread to the edge of plate. Then put knife on the table, take a lemon slice and squeeze a few drops of juice from it inside of shell. And then you should to suck out remained contents. But you need to suck out quietly, culturally. That’s all. Everyone can learn.

3. Bilberry - restore skin cells and vessels

Bilberry is a healing berry, it contains up to 6% sugar, up to 7% - tanning agents, citric and malic acids, vitamin C, carotene, trace elements, as well as organic dye - antocin. Bilberry improves not only sight. It turns out that this berry can be a wonderful solution to problems associated with memory and attention. These useful properties are explained by availability of phytochemicals in it. Flavonoids, especially anthocyanin and flavonol, influence memory through improving brain cells work. In doing so, link between cells is balanced and regeneration of nerve fibers is promoted.

During the season of blueberries, you should try to eat it fresh, as much as possible, and dry for winter. Collected berries are eaten fresh with milk and in the form of puree - with sugar. You can prepare syrups, juices, jams, paste, marmalade, liqueurs, soft drinks, jams, etc.

3. Kiwi fruit - say no to wrinkles!

Dietitians of Texas studied properties of 30 different fruits and vegetables and concluded that kiwi is the most useful of them. It contains collagen that reduces wrinkles.

1 kiwi fruit contains: daily dose of vitamin C - 75 mg, 0.3 g fat, 11 g carbohydrate, 1 g protein, 2.6 g fiber, 4 mg sodium and no cholesterol. And all this just in 46 calories.

Tropical fruit kiwi is also an effective tool for “cleaning” blood vessels and prevention of thrombosis. According to a study conducted by scientists from Norway, kiwi contains substances splitting fatty acids and reducing their number in blood.

If you eat 2-3 kiwi a day, then level of fatty acids in blood will be 15% reduced, and  risk of blood clots - 18% reduced.

Kiwi fruit is eaten fresh, in the form of jam, jelly, added to salads, served to meat.

High content of potassium makes kiwi an indispensable while high blood pressure. Several fruits eaten after a heavy lunch will help getting rid of feeling of heaviness in stomach, heartburn.

This «Chinese gooseberry» became one of favorite fruit desserts, which came to us from New Zealand. Kiwi fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, which is known to be essential for our immune system, it helps to strengthen connective tissue, normal condition of veins and arteries. Green pigment contained in kiwi fruit, s rich in magnesium, which is needed for proper stimulation of heart, and other mineral substances activate protein, stimulate brain. Juicy sweet fruits can be cut in half and eaten with a spoon. You can add kiwi when cooking meat, which becomes much more delicate, but dairy products should not be combined with kiwi.

This fruit is rich in vitamin E, full with antioxidants and lutein. These components of kiwi fruit can prevent problems with sight. In addition, components of the fruit hamper formation of blood clots. Previously, other facts were known about benefits of kiwifruit. This particular fruit contains many vitamins A, B, C, PP, B1, B2, mineral salts, and tannic acid and enzymes to dissolve protein. Eating a kiwi fruit a day, a person coveres by a daily rate of vitamin C, which is able to strengthen immune system, blood vessels, and increases resistance to fight against diseases. In addition, this vitamin helps a person to avoid stress. In addition, kiwifruit is rich in magnesium, mineral salts (potassium) and fiber. The latter, in its turn, facilitates removal of cholesterol from the body and normalizes digestion. But that’s not all. By carotene content kiwi exceeds its fellows.

Kiwi is also irreplaceable in a diet. Kiwifruit, like pineapple, contains lots of enzymes that are involved in accelerating of fat combustion and contribute to formation of collagen fibers. So kiwi is ideal for handling days and as a light snack.

4. Walnut - more elasticity to your skin

Walnuts contain a group of vitamins A, E, B, R, C, minerals (potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, iodine). Walnuts are 60%  composed from fat, but these are mainly unsaturated fats, which contain almost no cholesterol. In addition, walnuts - are an excellent source of protein, which could replace animal proteins.

Walnuts are very high-calorie. So, mature nuts are about 2 times more caloric than wheat bread.100 g walnut contain approximately 650 kcal (more than in a bar of chocolate!). For this reason, one should not eat more than 2-3 kernels a day.

Walnut is actively used in preparation of various fruit and vegetable salads, desserts, filling for bake, you can even marinade green nuts and serve to smoked meat.

Walnut contains a set of biologically active substances, which has a positive effect on brain vessels. It is believed that these nuts are able to remove strong nervous tension. People who are engaged in mental work or physical labor should eat these nuts. It is also believed that walnut strengthens heart, liver, brain.

Due to iodine, walnuts are recommended in treatment of diseases of thyroid gland. A special broth is prepared from walnut walls, which is also used in treatment of thyroid gland.

Doctors claim that walnut also has strong bactericidal, wound-healing properties.

Due to iron and cobalt, walnut is used for treatment of anemia. Due to the fact that walnut 60% contains from unsaturated fats and contains minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, it is recommended for people suffering from various heart diseases, as well as hypertension. Walnut also contributes to normalization of bowel.

Bitter chocolate is known to be very useful, since it influences cardiovascular activity of body and condition of brain.

But there is another plus: Danish doctors claim - bitter chocolate contributes to preservation of shape. Experts from the University of Copenhagen established, it is bitter, but not milk chocolate creates a feeling of satiety for long, what discourages thirst for sweet, fatty or salty foods.

Bitter chocolate has a mass of valuable properties. In particular, consumption of the product allows to improve blood circulation and reduce risk of blood clots, protect body from free radicals, stress and, according to some sources, even improves mood in infants.

Danish scientists have begun to experiment with chocolate, trying to not only reduce its calorie content, but also improve taste.

According to researchers, a diet based on these products will allow a woman to preserve youth and beauty for many years. Sticking to such diet will not be difficult! So dare, lovely ladies!

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