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Simple Rules For Dyed Hair Treatment - Health 24 Free

 As a rule, each woman devotes much time and money to maintain dyed hair in good condition. Hair must be constantly cared: nurtured, strengthened, restored and moisturized.

When hair dyeing, as well as after the procedure, try to observe following rules:

do not change hair color too often, no more than 1 time per month, otherwise you can   disrupt hair structure;
do not carry out more than three tones lighting without expert’s advice;
do not do coloring and perm at the same time;
cancel or reduce to a minimum the use of crisper and hairdryer, dry hair in the cold air and use thermal protective means for setting.
wash hair with shampoo no earlier than 3 days after dyeing.

2074_hear_bThe main problem after dying is that residual alkali of high concentration is not washed from hair and scalp still for a very long time, and during this period it continues destroying hair from inside. To avoid this, it is necessary to treat hair from the very beginning since dying. You can make it using cosmetic products of different manufacturers, and at home, using everyday products and herbs from the nearest pharmacy.

Dyed hair like mud wraps.

 After hair washing, smear head profusely with similar mean, rubbing it in head with light massaging movements, and after 15 minutes wash away thoroughly with warm water.

Comb dyed hair before going to bed in all directions for 5-10 min, after this procedure they will become more obedient. Use a comb with wide teeth for wet dyed hair, starting from below.

Head massage with the help of brush or fingers is very good for dyed hair, do it during 10 minutes daily. You can use special massage balms, gels, jellies and other nutrients and remedies for hair. Massage with vigorous, but no sudden movements, be especially cautious while significant damage of dyed hair.

In addition to external care, you can restore damaged hair using medicinal products containing phosphorus, fitin, lipotserebrin and other elements, which not only strengthen nervous system, but also have beneficial effects on dyed hair. Be sure to include food, rich in vitamin A in your diet.

Food recipes for hair
Not only hair are damaged as a result of dying, but also head skin, resulting in dandruff and itching. In this case, you can use juice of onion and garlic, as sulfur and acid they contain are beneficial for head skin and dyed hair roots.

In a mixture of onion and garlic you can add vegetable oil and lemon juice. Take all components in equal parts. Apply them on slightly damp hair with light massaging movements and leave for about half an hour. Wash with warm water adding citric acid or vinegar.

Do not ignore people’s means of dyed hair strengthening:
To strengthen dyed hair, wash head with egg once a week: break 2 chicken eggs in a glass, pour hot water stirring eggs continuously, so that they would not clot. Dampen hair with hot water, pour with egg and rub strongly into skin. Then rinse head under running water.

Hair washing with rye bread has an excellent effect on dyed hair. Pour 200-300 g rye bread with 1 liter of boiled water and leave for 3-6 hours in a warm place. Filter bread water through several layers of gauze and apply formed gruel on hair, massaging, and then wash off with warm water. This procedure stimulates growth and heals damaged hair.

Fashion Color Trends
The main color rule of summer season is a victorious procession of chestnuts. Chestnut, coffee and chocolate palette is especially honored. Unfairly forgotten red also returns its lost ground. However, only its cool shades are popular: claret, crimson, with orange and pink shade.

Choosing such color, do not forget that red colors are washed out faster than other colors. This is because molecules red shades are the largest and long hair cannot retain them for a long.

Natural colors
Henna and karkade extracts restore damaged hair, improve elasticity, making them more dense and lush, and add a beautiful copper-red hue.

Henna extract has a detergent, disinfectant and wound-healing effect, reinforces hair structure and improves elasticity, prevents dandruff and provides especially good effect on cut and dry hair, acting on skin, hair roots, contributing to their growth.

Karkade extract has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, tonic and antioxidant effect. It shades chestnut-copper hair due to high content of red pigments.

Ultraviolet sun rays are well-known color “murderers”. Even in cloudy weather, harmful effects of ultraviolet rays affects molecules of dye. Using protective means, you can support brightness and healthy hair condition.

Red pigments are not particularly steady. Special spray applied before head washing will save hair from intumescense and keep pigments from ablation.

Beautiful hair to you, lovely ladies!

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