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High Fiber Diet Plan For Safe Weight Loss

You are absolutely right looking for high fiber diet plan for safe weight loss.The recommended amount of fiber is between 18 and 35 grams per day.

High Fiber Diet Plan For Safe Weight Loss 

You are absolutely right looking for high fiber diet plan for safe weight loss.
Dietary fiber plays a significant role in any weight loss and health related problems. If you are aiming for safe way to get slim fast you should consider implementing fibers in your diet. What makes fibers so unique is the ability to bind with lipids and other unwanted substances within our gastru intestinal tract. Therefore stimulates losing fat easier and flushing toxins away.

Dietary fiber bulks up within your stomach making you feel full. For example a ball of cabbage salad will keep you satisfied longer than a slice of bread or a slice of pizza. So by adding some fibers in your meal you don’t get hungry all the time.
Rich in fibers diet gives you volume insight your stomach but not the calories. It’s very low in calories which provide you with protein, minerals and vitamins without making you gain weight. Fiber foods make you chew longer which is another positive benefit. It gives you reasonable time to produce proper enzymes for better digestion.

Benefits of Dietary Fiber

  • Helps in any weight loss plan
  • Reduces appetite
  • Increases metabolism due to improved functions of digestive system
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Decreases symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome
  • Balances intestinal pH level
  • Reduces risks of developing colon cancer
  • Increases the speed of the food passing through the digestive system
  • Helps in absorption of dietary minerals such as calcium
  • Regulates blood sugar levels
  • Relieves constipation
  • Assists in detoxification

List of High Fiber Foods

  • Pop corn
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli
  • Potato skins
  • Cabbage
  • Spinach
  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Tomatoes
  • Chili peppers
  • Apples
  • Orange
  • Blue berries
  • Strawberries
  • Almonds
  • Flax seeds
  • Seaweed or algae

    This is just a list of my favorite foods rich in dietary fiber. Now you got the main sources of dietary fiber to help you maintain your weight and health.

    How Much Dietary Fiber Do You Need Per Day

    The recommended amount of fiber is between 18 and 35 grams per day. My experience in US has shown that most of the Americans don’t consume enough fiber which is one of the reasons for them having a high percentage of IBS, high cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases.

    When you look at the foods I’ve listed above you can easily see that they are accessible. The only problem is that you have to calculate the quantity of fiber daily. Another issue is the quality of the food you buy. One more problem:this entire math is time consuming and confusing.

    High Fiber Supplements for Weight Loss

    Here is the good news! I've found 2 high fiber supplements for weight loss. One of them is Nuratrim that has the famous Glucomannan in it. The other dietary product is Proactol which is considered as the most effective high fiber supplement. Proactol Plus owns all we want in terms of high fiber diet plan and safe weight loss. You don't need to calculate anything anymore.


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