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Diabetes And Obesity : Fitness And Health Tips

Diabetes And Obesity : Fitness And Health Tips.Media companies are pumping out news on diabetes, as a world wide phenomenon.worldvisitsite.Thanks

Diabetes And Obesity

Media companies are pumping out news on diabetes, as a world wide phenomenon. So it is little wonder to find out that diabetes and obesity are interrelated, so closely linked that the two are virtually symbiotic.

Really the fact is Obesity is the NO 1 cause of diabetes, unfortunately when you look into it, by you are setting yourself up for a fall. Because obese people can also be more afflicted by stroke heart disease and heart attack.

Obesity and Diabetes go together like ding and dong, the CDC clearly acknowledge that they think obesity is the NO1 cause of Diabetes. They also have gone so far to say that it is the primary reason people get diabetes.

The actual size of the problem is growing, and it is proven by figures constantly released by the surgeon general. These figures worryingly show that the size of our populations have grown, in fact doubled in the last 10 years. The problem is as we have grown so has type 2 diabetes, the scourge of the 21st century.

Poor Food Choices

Getting to the bottom of the diabetic problem we only need to look at why the problem starts, and then why and how food plays a role in this.

One of the most detrimental things to ones health is fast food, this is because it is generally full of fat, carbs and calories and these intern combine to cause you to put on weight, which is why we are here writing about this today, fat diets cause obesity which causes diabetes

Poor Exercise Choices

If a diet has soft drink and fast food in it you have a compounded problem, double whammy in fact fast foods have tons of fat and when you add the drinks you get loaded up on sugar which is proven to cause problems in excess amounts. This type of diet will make you obese.

The third important factor as far as obesity and diabetes go is that when people consume such diets, they also tend to neglect to exercise thereby contributing to both obesity and diabetes and to even cause certain heart problems as well.

Thus, it will be in your best interests to become educated about obesity and diabetes and whether or not you are at risk of contracting either disease, you should always be on the lookout for warning signs. You need to understand that excessive soda will make you diabetic and that, the hamburger that you can’t do without may end up making you obese thereby worsening your health and causing more complications including a deteriorating diabetes condition.

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